Orange Mining contracted INTEGEMS to undertake a second survey program to pick up collars for 21 Phase 1 drill holes and to survey and peg 30 planned Phase 2 drill hole points across the Boamahun and Pujehun resource sites. INTEGEMS was required to take photos and provide some commentary on the drill location and access to allow Orange Mining to mobilize the drill pads to the site and to assist in prioritizing the rigs into easily accessible locations first.
Orange Mining contracted INTEGEMS to undertake a second survey program to pick up collars for 21 Phase 1 drill holes and to survey and peg 30 planned Phase 2 drill hole points across the Boamahun and Pujehun resource sites. INTEGEMS was required to take photos and provide some commentary on the drill location and access to allow Orange Mining to mobilize the drill pads to the site and to assist in prioritizing the rigs into easily accessible locations first.