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INTEGEMS has been contracted by All Petroleum Products (APP) Limited an oil marketing company to undertake an ESIA for the development of its Project: Refurbishment of the old refinery at Kissy Terminal and construction of Mega Gas Stations at Peninsula Road and Bai Bureh Road in Freetown.

APP has secured a 30-year lease for the land for the proposed Project development with an option to renew for an additional 20 years. The company is in the process of securing a licence to import,

distribute petroleum products, and operate retail outlets across the country. APP is currently refurbishing existing storage tanks at the old oil refinery and proposes to overhaul the dilapidated Jetty for the purpose of importing petroleum products. APP has also secured two sites for the construction of a state of the- art Mega Gas Stations at Peninsula Road and Bai Bureh Road in Freetown.

The study covered the physical extent of the project site and its immediate environs, implementation works of the proposed development (ground preparations, foundation, walling, roofing, fixtures, and fitting among other activities, and installation of key utilities and other facilities required for the project