Gobee Group a design and social innovation consulting firm based in the USA with funding from USAID, contracted INTEGEMS to conduct a case study using formal and informal methodologies to understand how health data is captured, processed, stored, shared and utilized to make crucial decisions at all levels in the response. The real-time data (RTD) systems will enable the Sierra Leone Government, donors and NGOs to capture real-time performance metrics and engage in a continuous dialogue with citizens.
INTEGEMS conducted a Mapping of Health Data Infrastructure for the Ebola Emergency Response in Sierra Leone with a view of understanding how real-time data can be used and up-scaled to facilitate (using evidence-based, adaptive and iterative decision-making tools) the management of the recent Ebola Crisis or future health emergencies. A two pong approach was employed; i.e., Facilities Assessments in three of the hardest-hit districts (Kenema, Port Loko & Western Urban Area) in Sierra Leone and in-depth stakeholder interviews.
INTEGEMS undertook a week-long period of assessments of Community Holding Centres, Ebola Treatment Units, Community Care Centre, and Laboratories. The assessments looked at variations in processes across regions and government/privately-run facilities. INTEGEMS pooled on its vast experience of conducting interviews and focus group discussions to draw out a wealth of understanding behind the processes involved in data and information management of the Ebola Response.