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Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact Survey (ESIS) of Keimadugu Community within Shandong Steel (SL) Limited’s Tonkolili Iron Ore Project (TIOP) Concession in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone

Starting in January 2017, there have been repeated calls to SD Steel by various Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) MDAs, NGOs and civil society organisations (CSOs) to provide the local communities adversely impacted by the TIOP operations with access to safe drinking water and farming lands, including an effective grievance mechanism of some kind. Such a mechanism, it is argued, would help redress the adverse impacts and reduce the likelihood that aggrieved local communities would resort to more disruptive and costly tactics to advance their claims.

SD Steel procured the services of Integrated Geo-information and Environmental Management Services (INTEGEMS) to undertake an Environmental and Social Impact Study (ESIS) of its TIOP operations in the area surrounding the Keimadugu community, and in particular the Tonkolili River and the nearby farming areas.