Ove Arup and Partners International Ltd (Arup) subcontracted INTEGEMS for the World Bank’s Rapid Damage and Loss Assessment (DaLA) of 14 August 2017 Landslides and Floods in the Western Area of Sierra Leone. INTEGEMS, in partnership with Ove Arup and Partners International Ltd (Arup) and Edward Davies Associates Ltd undertook comprehensive aerial and drone survey, field GIS data capture, data management and socio-economic assessment along the full 7 km corridor (from Sugar Loaf Mountain, Western Area Rural, to Lumley Creek, Western Area Urban) of the main landslide and mudflow with the objective of estimating damages and losses and of making preliminary estimations for mobilizing funds and launching immediate recovery. The socio-economic assessment quantified damages and losses in infrastructure and social sectors (real estate and urban development, transport, electricity, telecommunications, water and sanitation, health, education, social protection) and in cross-sectoral areas (environment, waste management, disaster risk management and gender) and preliminary recommendations for immediate, medium, and long-term needs.