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Multi-City Hazard Review and Risk Assessment in Sierra Leone; Western Area, Sierra Leone.

United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS), under the World Bank-funded Freetown Emergency Recovery Project (FERP), was requested to implement the slope stabilisation and remediation measures under Component 1 of the FERP; which includes earthmoving to stabilise and re-profile some areas to a more natural shape, and to clear and re-establish watercourse channels. The Project Work addressed the huge environmental damage caused by the landslide and return the land to natural forest ensuring Primary stabilisation works were carried out before the Wet Season. INTEGEMS was contracted by UNOPS to support the UNOPS Team in conducting the environmental component (i.e., biodiversity, hydrology, air quality, cultural heritage, road traffic/transportation, noise and vibration and landscape and visual impact baseline studies, including data collection, analysis and reporting) of the ESIA study of the Project Work to feed into the overall ESIA and ESMP studies, Public Consultation and Disclosure exercise.

The general objectives of the Project are:

  • To outline the regulations and legislations relevant to the implementation of the ESIA study;

  • To assess the impact of the Project Work on communities and ecosystems in the Project Work area;

  • To recommend mitigation measures to minimize negative impacts and enhance benefits of the Project Work;

  • To recommend an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that integrates mitigation measures in managing the Project Work;
  •  To recommend environmental monitoring and Community

  • Development Action Plans (CDAP) as part of the EMP; and

  • To help conduct stakeholder engagement and consultation meetings during the ESIA process.