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 Support to Communications and Dialogue on Early Warning, Forecasting Products and Climate Information Project; Kenema, Tonkolili, Western Area, Sierra Leone

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Sierra Leone has contracted INTEGEMS to support and improve climate monitoring and early warning systems through the enhancement of the technical and technological capacities of the relevant mandated institutions – Sierra Leone Meteorological Department (SLMD) in the Ministry of Transport and Aviation (MTA), the Office of National Security – Disaster Management Department (ONS-DMD), the ministry of water resources (MWR), and the Environment Protection Agency-Sierra Leone (EPA-SL).

The Project’s main objective is to establish a functional network of meteorological and hydrological monitoring stations to help understand better the weather and climatic changes over time and provide timely information to avert any weather and climate change-related disasters. INTEGEMS also developed and disseminate weather and climate information and warnings to the Government of Sierra Leone, the private sector and the general public to enable early preparation against disasters such as floods and other severe weather and agricultural stresses. Additionally, the Project is expected to integrate weather, hydro-meteorological, disaster management and climate information into national policy plans and the local government development plans.